Tagged: DeepSky

The Jewels of Orion’s Sword

The constellation of Orion is home to some of the most spectacular and recognisable deep sky objects in the night sky. In this multi-panel mosaic taken with a modified Canon EOS6D through a Skywatcher...

Rosette and California Nebulas

In an all night session I managed to capture two targets, the Rosette nebula and the California nebula. My first target was the California nebula. This image doesn’t do this popular nebula justice. From...

The Blue Angel

Wow, can’t believe its been three months since my last post (and even longer since I dusted off my telescope)! I’ve been avoiding doing astro or social media whilst finishing off my uni exams...

The Triad

This image of the Lagoon, Trifid and NGC6559 nebulas was taken on 11/07/2018. It was a tough night to image on, with dew condensing on the telescope early at 8pm when I was just...

The Winds of Rho Ophiuchi

Four hours out of Perth, deep in the wheatbelt, the night skies of Lake Brown are the darkest one could hope for. Whilst previously I have visited here for nightscape photography, this time I...