Tagged: 2023

Something Stalks Distant Rigel

The Witch Head Nebula appears as a ghostly appartition silently drifting past the blue supergiant star Rigel, bathing in its cold coloured hues in contrast to the faint redish browns of the surrounding gas...

Stella Tempest

Usually images of this region of the Orion contellation focus mostly on the Horsehead and Flame Nebula as these are bright (relatively) and recognisable. However, these nebulae are but one part of a complex...

Mist of Pleiades (redux)

Re-learning some old processing skills that have faded over the past year of relative inaction, I’ve re-processed my previous wide-field image to include some shorter length exposures to produce an HDR version. HDR has...

Magellan Tempest

There has been recent furore regarding the naming of the Magellanic Clouds (despite his early writings on the galaxies, Magellan was not the earliest recorder of the galaxies). A movement has been growing to...

Eclipse 2023

Results Here are the images of the eclipse through my telescope. Read further down for details on my expedition to the 2023 eclipse in Exmouth, Western Australia.